ikonoa With children
Your plan With children

5 Stops in History

An excellent plan for exploring the district’s museums as a family. Benefits and prize draws for children

Following the path of the Urola river, you can travel through the millennia with games and inventions and enjoy five stand-out moments in history as a family. You’ll visit the Basque Railway Museum in Azpeitia and the Sanctuary of Loyola, the Ekainberri and Lili Palace in Zestoa, and the Algorri visitor centre in Zumaia.

Get your free ticket:

Did you know that under-12s can visit four places for free with this leaflet? You’ll get your first stamp at the first museum that gives you this leaflet. After that, you can visit all the others for free. So don’t miss out – and if you solve a mystery at each place, you’ll get another stamp. Try to get the full set!

Prize draw:

Do you want to win a weekend in our district for the whole family?
After diving into each of the 5 stops on the tour, pick your best family photo and send it to the email address 5geltokia@urolaturismo.eus with your details: name, telephone number and address. We’ll put all the photos we receive into a prize draw at the end of the year, and the winner will get the chance to spend a weekend at a hotel or holiday cottage in the Urola Valley.

Go on – show us how you enjoyed your time with us!

Download the brochure

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