Azpeitia irudia 8 altxorrak pauso batera plana - urolaturismoa
ikonoa Treasures just around the corner
Your plan Treasures just around the corner

The town of Azpeitia, the medieval hub

Immerse yourself in the history of Azpeitia and visit its most iconic buildings

We invite you to this town of medieval origin, located just one and a half kilometres from the Sanctuary of Loyola. In Azpeitia, there are many monuments in addition to the Loyola complex, because it has a spectacular historic quarter: the Church of San Sebastián de Soreasu and its Chapel of La Soledad, Garbileku, the Enparan tower house, Madalena hermitage and hospital, Antxieta Palace, Basozabal House, and many more. The municipality has three interesting museums, all worth visiting: the Basque Train Museum, Ekoetxea Azpeitia and the Loyola Casa Santa.

Udalerriak hiru museo interesgarri ditu, eta merezi dute bisitatzea. Trenaren Euskal Museoa, Ekoetxea Azpeitia eta Loiolako Etxe Santua.

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Azpeitia irudia 4 altxorrak pauso batera plana - urolaturismoa
Azpeitia irudia 5 altxorrak pauso batera plana - urolaturismoa
Azpeitia irudia 10 altxorrak pauso batera plana - urolaturismoa
Azpeitia irudia 7 altxorrak pauso batera plana - urolaturismoa

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