pelota_caja pelotaren esperientzia taldean irudia - plana taldean urolaturismoa
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Your plan As a group

Want to play pelota?

Don’t just watch – be part of the game

Why be just a spectator when you can be one of the pelota players? We’ll explore the world of this traditional Basque sport and go on a guided tour to the pelota courts designed by Jorge Oteiza in Azkoitia, where you can play a match yourself.

Make your booking

Tel.: 943 15 18 78

zu ere pilotari plana taldean 2 irudia - urolaturismoa
Pelotaren esperientzia taldean 2 - plana taldean urolaturismoa
pelota_caja pelotaren esperientzia taldean irudia - plana taldean urolaturismoa
zu ere pilotari plana taldean - urolaturismoa

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A unique chance to experience Gipuzkoa from 400 years ago through theatre

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Immerse yourself in the Palaeolithic period and see how people lived 15,000 years ago

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